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Hiwot Ethiopia

“Hiwot” means “Life”. Hiwot Ethiopia was initially established as a youth club by fourteen young people who wished to make a difference. From these small beginnings, Hiwot Ethiopia grew and developed into an association, then a registered NGO with the Charities and Societies Agency as an Ethiopian Civil Society Organization/NGOs/ charity focused on working with children and youth. Hiwot Ethiopia delivers a range of multi-year projects with a number of local and international partners.


“We have dreams that have to be true. But we are in a new situation now. We are facing HIV/AIDS. We all are at risk, in the same boat. We have to do something about it and not die at this early age” Thus, we have organized our self and established a youth club where we can meet and discuss each other about HIV&AIDS and other relevant issues and work together. This was the first discussion we had together with the founding members to establish the then Hiwot anti-AIDS Club/association and now Hiwot Ethiopia.

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Address critical humanitarian concerns

Because of the ongoing conflicts and other economic factors, girls, particularly those from economically poor families, are directly affected and forced to be absent from school. Therefore, Hiwot, in close…

Safeguarding for Civil Society Organizations

Social Development Direct (SDD) is committed to localising the Ethiopian resource support hub through building the organisation’s capacity. SDD and Hiwot have signed a four-month (December 2023–March 2024) agreement to…

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Emergency Response

Power to Youth Support
Hiwot Ethiopia, in collaboration with the “Power to Youth” project, purchased and delivered emergency response support to internally displaced people (IDPs) located in Debreberahn town in the Northshewa Zone of the Amhara region. Based on the need assessment collected from the North Shoa Zone Administration and the Food Security and Risk Prevention Bureau, Hiwot Ethiopia management committed to purchasing mattresses and macaroni. Therefore, 50 mattresses, 10 quintals (40 sacks), 25 kg each of Macaroni, and one packet of spaghetti were delivered to the North Shoa Zone food security and risk prevention office on December 11, 2021, in Debreberhan town. The “Power to Youth” project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands through Amref Health Africa. Hiwot Ethiopia would like to acknowledge Power to Youth project implementing partners: Amref Health Africa, Ethiopia country office, and YNSD.
Education Emergency Response
Hiwot Ethiopia in partner with Education for Sustainable Development, We-Action, Amhara Women Association, and Center of Concern has implemented the Malala Fund Joint Action Grant in Amhara region. The main objective of the grant was to support girls, community groups, and schools affected by the conflict between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigrian Liberation Front in the Amhara Region. The project aims to save girls and young women’s and their parents lives by providing food and nonfood items to them, as well as practical support to schools and students. The project has reached 4610 (1725 families, 636 children, 1338 girls and women, 911 families in different types of support), 11 schools, and 4008 students. The project was officially launched at regional and zonal level and achieved four major outcomes under Hiwot Ethiopia’s leadership.
• 4410 children, girls, and families’ found in East and North Amhara have received food, supplementary food, and noon food items, including hygiene and sanitary management items.
• 571 girls, IDP coordinators, volunteers, women, children, and youth affairs, and CSOs were trained on safeguarding, GBV trauma, and case management.
• the project established a safe space and service delivery corner and delivered awareness and services to 494 girls and boys (200 boys and 293 girls and young women) on GBV, abuse and exploitation, guidance, counselling, and psychosocial services.
• 4008 girl’s received scholastic materials, including uniforms, exercise books, pens, pencils, sanitary pads, sanitizer, and detergent.
• 11 primary and secondary schools equipped with necessary materials such as Desks, Shelves, Computers, Stationary materials and so on. This support facilitated the teaching and learning process, attracting girls to return and attend their education.

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