Peace matters: dialogue for peaceful coexistence
Peace matters: dialogue for peaceful coexistence; is a joint project and has been implementing by Hiwot Ethiopia, Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development/MSD, Young Men Christian Association/YMCA, Eshet Children and Youth Development Organization/ECYDO and Save your Holiland/SYHLA.
The project encourages members of communities to participate actively in development and democratization process, peace-building and solutions of socio-economic issues causing frustration and representation often a root cause for conflicts. It strengthens citizens’ voice and the capacities of CSOs to equip them to become active players in democratic process. It enforces indigenous structures (elders, solidarity social groups) and creates partnerships between these structures and connects them to other CSO (media, universities, high schools). This will create opportunities for open dialogue across generations, social and ethical groups, genders for common solutions Linking various groups and CSO for a dialogue and by enhancing capacities of these groups in understanding rule of law, democratic process, identity and role of citizens in democratic processes will create an environment for stronger citizens’ participation and create leaders that will serve as mediators between state and citizens.
The main target group, are young people who are often frustrated by their socio-economic conditions and search for identity, a place in the society in extremist groups. At the same time, the project builds on existing, indigenous structures, such as elders and solidarity social groups.