Hiwot Ethiopia organized a quarter review meeting of safeaguding child and adults at Risk project with partner CSOs on 14, Dec 2020 at Semen Hotel, Addis Ababa.  On the meeting, a total of 8 (4F) people who are safeguarding focal person and program officer from seven partner CSOs including the senior Hub manger of CSSP2 participated. On the occasion, the project progress and the findings of the supportive monitoring were presented by the Safeguarding project coordinator. After the presentation, discussion which was chaired by the Executive director of Hiwot Ethiopia was held among the participants. On top of this, question related to the role of safeguarding focal person, the government engagement on the project and the role of lead CSO on supporting their co implementer were raised and discussed.  The meeting was ended with the closing remark of Jebessa Senbeta Senior Hub Manager, CSSP2 Senior Hub manager.  He appreciated the existing effort and commitment of Hiwot Ethiopia to implement the project even during the pandemic period. He also remarked that CSSP 2 will exert it more effort to support partners of the program to bring the intended results of the project



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