Capacity Building

  • Training to Peoples with Disabled persons:  two and half days peer educators training were provided for 25 with disabilities (20 female, 5 male) persons  in collaboration with the Ethiopians for Ethiopians Blind Association and the Ethiopian National Deaf Association. During the training selected 8 topics: Act like a Man, HIV and AIDS, Levels of HIV Risk, STDs, Proper Use of Condoms, Discussion on the use of Condoms, Sexual Violence, and Establishing Consent for Safe Sex, covered.
  • Training for teachers of Deaf students and their parents: Hiwot Ethiopia in collaboration with Sign language training and social service association was given capacity building training to 18 teachers (m=12 and f=6) selected from Yekatit 23 primary inclusive school, Alpha Primary school for the Deaf and Mekanisa primary school. In addition, 64  parents ( m= 21 and f=43) of disability students were received training on understanding the issues of children with disability, family relationship with deaf children, psychosocial readiness to handle the issues related to disability and practiced about words on sign language.
  • Material support to persons with Disability association: in close consultation with Ethiopians for Ethiopians Blind Association and the Ethiopian National Deaf Association,  Hiwot was purchased and delivered  different music material, computers and other stationary materials  to motivate their efforts on the prevention of HIV & AIDS in Addis Ababa.