Feven Lemma is a 14 years old and grade 8 student (with nice drawing skill). She is a peer educator for CSE&I project of Hiwot Ethiopia and a member to the gender club at Lebe Fanna primary school. After her experience, she said (translated from Amharic into English) ‘‘Before the CSE&I project was implemented in our school, I was afraid to discuss SRH related matters with my friends and even with my family, because I a am afraid as I consider it a taboo. Of course before the peer educators training that I received, I didn’t have intensive information and knowledge on issues of sexual education, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, STIs and life skill.

By the time the peer educators training was organized, I was chosen by the gender club leader to attend it. The training changed my knowledge and understanding of adolescent sexual reproductive health, STIs and my skill to communicate with others including my family. Ohoo…I am proud to get the opportunity as peer educator that I am able to be part of the positive outcomes in my school. For the last five months with full confidence and skills as a change agent, I have conducted discussions and taught quite a number of school friends through peer to peer discussion approaches. I also facilitated sessions for discussion with my parents on sexual reproductive health, STIs and HIV/AIDS. Now students at our school have obtained relevant information and aware on SRH issues and life skill approaches. They are openly discussing the issue among themselves and with teachers and parents. We girls are benefiting from it that enable us to feel safe from SRH related hazards, able to develop confidence to protect ourselves from any SRH related harms. We are now feeling safe and able to attend our education. I am determined to continue my contribution. Thank you for giving me such opportunity.”